Device = 18F67K22 Declare Xtal = 64 Declare Watchdog = OFF Declare Warnings = Off Declare Optimiser_Level = 3 '================ TFT SCREEN ================ $define TFT_IC ST7789V $define TFT_COM SPI_1 $define TftScreenWidth 320 $define TftScreenHeight 240 $define TFT_CS PORTF.7 $define TFT_RESET PORTC.7 $define TFT_DC PORTC.2 $define TFT_MOSI PORTC.5 $define TFT_MISO PORTC.4 $define TFT_SCLK PORTC.3 $define _TFT_MOSI _PORTC.5 $define _TFT_MISO _PORTC.4 $define _TFT_SCLK _PORTC.3 '================ TFT TOUCH ================ $define TOUCH_IC XPT2046 $define TOUCH_COM SPI_SW $define Z_Threshold 600 $define TouchAveragePoints 2 $define TouchMedianDistance 8 $define T_CS PORTG.1 $define T_IRQ PORTA.5 $define T_MOSI PORTC.5 $define T_MISO PORTC.4 $define T_SCLK PORTC.3 $define _T_MOSI _PORTC.5 $define _T_MISO _PORTC.4 $define _T_SCLK _PORTC.3 '================ MCU ================ $define McuType 0 '================ SD CARD ================ $define SDCardUsed 1 $define SDCardFatUsed 1 $define SD_COM SPI_2 $define SD_CS PORTG.3 $define SD_SDO PORTD.4 $define SD_SDI PORTD.5 $define SD_CLK PORTD.6 $define _SD_SDO _PORTD.4 $define _SD_SDI _PORTD.5 $define _SD_CLK _PORTD.6 '================ MEMORY ================ $define MemoryType 2 $define MEM_COM SPI_2 $define MEM_CS PORTA.2 $define MEM_MOSI PORTD.4 $define MEM_MISO PORTD.5 $define MEM_SCLK PORTD.6 $define _MEM_MOSI _PORTD.4 $define _MEM_MISO _PORTD.5 $define _MEM_SCLK _PORTD.6 $define MEM_PAGE_SIZE 256 $define MEM_SECTOR_SIZE 4096 $define MEM_SECTOR_COUNT 2048 $define MEM_FILE_COUNT 256 $define MEM_WRITE_DELAY 5 '================ FONT ================ $define FontSmooth 1 $define FontMaxSpace 16 $define FontMaxPixels 16 Include "TftLib\Fonts\BDF\" Include "TftLib\Fonts\BDF\" Include "TftLib\Fonts\BDF\" Include "TftLib\Fonts\BDF\" Include "TftLib\Fonts\BDF\" Include "TftLib\Fonts\SND\F0_SND_8x8_Basic.Inc" Include "TftLib\Fonts\SND\F4_SND_16x16_Regular.Inc" Include "TftLib\"
Main: Clear SetCrystal() SetPins() TftBmpMemSet() TftSetUp(0) TftResetScreen(AZURE)
TftSetBdfFont(2) TftRectangleTCG(21,21, 298,218, AMETHYST, YELLOW, 1) TftPrintBdfText(Democritus1, 22,160, 295,22, 1, ANTIQUE_RUBY,BLACK, 1, 71) DelayMS 1500 TftRectangleTCG(21,21, 298,218, AMETHYST, YELLOW, 1) TftPrintBdfText(Democritus2, 22,160, 295,22, 1, ANTIQUE_RUBY,BLACK, 1, 81) DelayMS 1500
TftSetBdfFont(3) TftRectangleTCG(21,21, 298,218, AMETHYST, YELLOW, 1) TftPrintBdfText(Socrates1, 22,160, 295,22, 1, RED,BLACK, 1, 0) DelayMS 1500 TftRectangleTCG(21,21, 298,218, AMETHYST, YELLOW, 1) TftPrintBdfText(Socrates2, 22,160, 295,22, 1, RED,BLACK, 1, 0) DelayMS 1500 TftRectangleTCG(21,21, 298,218, AMETHYST, YELLOW, 1) TftPrintBdfText(Socrates3, 22,160, 295,22, 1, RED,BLACK, 1, 0) DelayMS 1500
TftSetBdfFont(4) TftRectangleTCG(21,21, 298,218, AMETHYST, YELLOW, 1) TftPrintBdfText(Plato1, 22,160, 295,22, 1, ST_PATRICK_S_BLUE,BLACK, 1, 65) DelayMS 1500
TftSetBdfFont(5) TftRectangleTCG(21,21, 298,218, AMETHYST, YELLOW, 1) TftPrintBdfText(Heraclitus1, 22,160, 295,22, 1, BYZANTIUM,BLACK, 1, 91) DelayMS 1500
TftSetBdfFont(6) TftRectangleTCG(21,21, 298,218, AMETHYST, YELLOW, 1) TftPrintBdfText(Thales1, 22,160, 295,22, 1, COSMIC_COBALT,BLACK, 1, 0) DelayMS 1500
TftSetBdfFont(6) TftRectangleTCG(21,21, 298,218, AMETHYST, YELLOW, 1) TftPrintBdfString("StringTEST$1234abcd$+", 40, 50, 318, 0, BLACK, BLACK, 1) DelayMS 1500
TftResetScreen(AZURE) TftPolygon(160,120, 100, 10, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftPolygon(160,120, 90, 9, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftPolygon(160,120, 80, 8, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftPolygon(160,120, 70, 7, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftPolygon(160,120, 60, 6, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftSetSndFont(0, 1) TftPrintSndString("8x8-TEST1234abcd$+", 1, 0, 0, 1, ERIN, BLACK, 0) TftPrintSndString("8x8-TEST1234abcd$+", 1, 0, 1, 1, ERIN, BLACK, 1) TftPrintSndString("8x8-TEST1234abcd$+", 2, 0, 2, 1, FRENCH_VIOLET, FULVOUS, 0) TftPrintSndString("8x8-TEST1234abcd$+", 2, 0, 3, 1, FRENCH_VIOLET, FULVOUS, 1) TftSetSndFont(0, 0) TftPrintSndString("8x8-TEST1234abcd$+", 2, 0, 4, 1, RED, OLD_GOLD, 0) TftPrintSndString("8x8-TEST1234abcd$+", 2, 0, 5, 1, RED, OLD_GOLD, 1) DelayMS 3000 TftResetScreen(AZURE) TftPolygon(160,120, 100, 10, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftPolygon(160,120, 90, 9, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftPolygon(160,120, 80, 8, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftPolygon(160,120, 70, 7, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftPolygon(160,120, 60, 6, 0, 0, GREEN, 0, 0) TftSetSndFont(4, 1) TftPrintSndString("16x16-TEST1234abcd$+", 1, 0, 1, 1, ERIN, BLACK, 0) TftPrintSndString("16x16-TEST1234abcd$+", 1, 0, 2, 1, ERIN, BLACK, 1) TftPrintSndString("16x16+ABcd$", 2, 0, 2, 1, FRENCH_VIOLET, FULVOUS, 0) TftPrintSndString("16x16+ABcd$", 2, 0, 3, 1, FRENCH_VIOLET, FULVOUS, 1) TftSetSndFont(4, 0) TftPrintSndString("16x16+ABcd$", 2, 0, 4, 1, BLACK, OLD_GOLD, 0) TftPrintSndString("16x16+ABcd$", 2, 0, 5, 1, RED, OLD_GOLD, 1) End
'Set Fosc Proc SetCrystal() Clear OSCTUNE.6 = 1 DelayMS 100 EndProc Proc SetPins() 'Set all digital ANCON0 = 0 ANCON1 = 0 ANCON2 = 0 SSP1STAT.6 = 1 SSP1CON1 = %00100000
SSP2STAT.6 = 1 SSP2CON1 = %00100000 EndProc Config_Start RETEN = On ;Enabled INTOSCSEL = Low ;LF-INTOSC in Low-power mode during Sleep SOSCSEL = Dig ;digital XINST = OFF ;Disabled FOSC = EC2 ;HS oscillator (High power, 16 MHz - 25 MHz) PLLCFG = On ;Enabled FCMEN = OFF ;Disabled IESO = OFF ;Disabled PWRTEN = OFF ;Disabled BOREN = OFF ;Disabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled BORV = 0 ;3.0V BORPWR = High ;BORMV set to high power level WDTEN = OFF ;WDT disabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled WDTPS = 1048576 ;1:1048576 RTCOSC = SOSCREF ;RTCC uses SOSC CCP2MX = PORTBE ;RC1 MSSPMSK = MSK7 ;7 Bit address masking mode MCLRE = On ;MCLR Enabled, RG5 Disabled STVREN = On ;Enabled BBSIZ = BB2K ;2K word Boot Block size Debug = OFF ;Disabled Cp0 = OFF ;Disabled CP1 = OFF ;Disabled CP2 = OFF ;Disabled CP3 = OFF ;Disabled CP4 = OFF ;Disabled CP5 = OFF ;Disabled CP6 = OFF ;Disabled CP7 = OFF ;Disabled CPB = OFF ;Disabled CPD = OFF ;Disabled WRT0 = OFF ;Disabled WRT1 = OFF ;Disabled WRT2 = OFF ;Disabled WRT3 = OFF ;Disabled WRT4 = OFF ;Disabled WRT5 = OFF ;Disabled WRT6 = OFF ;Disabled WRT7 = OFF ;Disabled WRTC = OFF ;Disabled WRTB = OFF ;Disabled WRTD = OFF ;Disabled EBRT0 = OFF ;Disabled EBRT1 = OFF ;Disabled EBRT2 = OFF ;Disabled EBRT3 = OFF ;Disabled EBRT4 = OFF ;Disabled EBRT5 = OFF ;Disabled EBRT6 = OFF ;Disabled EBRT7 = OFF ;Disabled EBRTB = OFF ;Disabled Config_End Dim Democritus1 As Flash8 = "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space, everything else is just opinion. - Democritus", 0 Dim Democritus2 As Flash8 = "It is hard to fight desire; but to control it is the sign of a reasonable man. - Democritus", 0 Dim Socrates1 As Flash8 = "One thing I know is that I know nothing. This is the source of my wisdom. - Socrates", 0 Dim Socrates2 As Flash8 = "An unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates", 0 Dim Socrates3 As Flash8 = "Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live. - Socrates", 0 Dim Plato1 As Flash8 = "The worst of all deceptions is self-deception. - Plato", 0 Dim Heraclitus1 As Flash8 = "There is nothing permanent except change. - Heraclitus", 0 Dim Thales1 As Flash8 = "Time is the wisest of all things that are; for it brings everything to light. - Thales", 0 |
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