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TftBmpFlashSectorErase(wSector As Word)

wSector: Sector number to erase

This command erases only the specified sector number. 

Before updating data in the FLASH memory IC, you must first erase the sector where the data is stored.

If you plan to use the FLASH memory IC for additional data storage (such as touch calibration coefficients), you can avoid erasing the entire chip with TftBmpMemFormat() by erasing only the first N sectors where the BMP files will be stored. Alternatively, you can erase individual sectors where additional data will be written.

Each time TftBmpFlashSectorErase() is issued, the IC requires some time to complete the command. Please consult the IC datasheet to verify this delay.

The actual byte range that will be erased is from wSector * MEM_SECTOR_SIZE to [(wSector + 1) * MEM_SECTOR_SIZE] - 1



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