Library Description

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TFT Graphic Library Sections

- Colors

- By Name

- By Brightness

- Drivers

- TftSetUp()

- TftSetOrientation()

- TftDisplayOn()

- TftDisplayOff()

- TftPartialAreaOn()

- TftPartialAreaOff()

- Fonts


- TftPrintBdfChar()

- TftPrintBdfInteger()

- TftPrintBdfDecimal()

- TftPrintBdfString()

- TftPrintBdfText()

- TftSetBdfFont()


- TftPrintSndChar()

- TftPrintSndString()

- TftPrintSndInteger()

- TftPrintSndDecimal()

- TftSetSndFont()

- Memory

- TftBmpMemSet()

- TftBmpMemFormat()

- TftBmpFlashSectorErase()

- TftBmpSdToMem()

- TftBmpMemFileName()

- TftBmpFromMemName()

- TftBmpFromMemIndex()

- TftBmpFlashPageWrite()

- TftBmpFlashByteRead()

- TftBmpFlashWordRead()

- TftBmpFlashDwordRead()

- SD Card

- FAT16 / FAT32 System

- TftBmpFromSD() 

- TftBmpScreenshotSd()

- File_Init()

- File_CreateDir()

- File_DeleteDir()

- File_RenameDir()

- File_Exists()

- File_DirExists()

- File_Create()

- File_Open()

- File_Append()

- File_ReadByte()

- File_WriteByte()

- File_Flush()

- File_DeleteFile()

- File_Close()

- File_Rename()

- File_DiskFull()

- File_Size()

- File_SizeOpen()

- File_TimeModified()

- File_TimeCreated()

- File_EOF()

- File_ListReset()

- File_ListDir()

- File_ListFile()

- File_ChDir()

- File_FreeSpaceKB()

- File_DiskSizeKB()

- RAW / No file system

- TftBmpFromSdRaw()

- TftRgbFromSdRaw()

- SdRaw_Init()

- SdRaw_ReadSector()

- SdRaw_WriteSector()

- SdRaw_ReadByte()

- SdRaw_WriteByte()

- Shapes

- Arc

- TftArc()

- TftArcG()

- TftArcS()

- TftArcRL()

- TftArcRLThickness()

- Circle

- TftCircleNE()

- TftCircleNS()

- TftCircleN()

- TftCircleQE()

- TftCircleQS()

- TftCircleQ()

- TftCircleG()

- Ellipse

- TftEllipseE()

- TftEllipseS()

- TftEllipse()

- TftEllipseG()

- Polygon

- TftPolygon()

- Triangle

- TftTriangleNE()

- TftTriangleNS()

- TftTriangle()

- Quad

- TftParallelogramNTS()

- TftQuadN()

- TftQuadS()

- Rectangle

- TftRectangle()

- TftRectangleENTC()

- TftRectangleETTCO()

- TftRectangleETTCI()

- TftRectangleSNTC()

- TftRectangleENCP()

- TftRectangleETCPO()

- TftRectangleETCPI()

- TftRectangleSNCP()

- TftRectangleRC()

- TftRectangleTCG()

- TftRectangleRCG()

- Line

- TftLine()

- TftLineHN()

- TftLineHTU()

- TftLineHTD()

- TftLineVN()

- TftLineVTL()

- TftLineVTR()

- TftLineDN()

- TftLineDNF()

- TftLineDT()

- TftLineHNG()

- TftLineVNG()

- TftLineDNG()

- System (Shapes)

- TftArcTan2()

- System

- TftResetScreen()

- TftPixel()

- TftSetPartialArea()

- TftReadPixel()

- Touch

- TftTouchGetCoordinates()

- TftTouchCalibration()

- TftTouchEnableIrq()

- TftTouchScreenReadValues()

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write eBooks for the Kindle