TftBmpScreenshotSd(sFileName As String * 12, wX_Pos As Word, wY_Pos As Word, wWidth As Word, wHeight As Word), Byte
sFileName: The name of the BMP file to create on the SD card, including the extension. Must be 12 characters or fewer, including the dot and file extension.
wX_Pos: The x-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the screenshot area.
wY_Pos: The y-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the screenshot area.
wWidth: The width of the screenshot area.
wHeight: The height of the screenshot area.
Return Status:
• 0: No error
• 1: No response from SD card
• 2: SD card not formatted with FAT16 or FAT32
• 3: File not found
• 4: File is in use
• 5: Read/write error
Capture a screenshot and save it as a BMP file on the SD card.
This procedure captures a screenshot from the designated area of the TFT screen, specified by (wX_Pos, wY_Pos, wWidth, wHeight), and saves it as a new BMP file on the SD card. The screenshot can be cropped by adjusting the parameters.
TftBmpScreenshotSd("PIC001.BMP", 0,0, 320,240)
Note: Reading pixels from the TFT screen requires a significantly slower baud rate than writing pixels.When using hardware SPI, you may need to dynamically adjust the SPI clock rate. For software SPI, bit-banging is used and has been successfully tested at an effective clock rate of up to 150 MHz Fosc.
Clear SetCrystal() SetPins() TftBmpMemSet() TftSetUp(0) TftBmpFromSD("dog.bmp",0,0) TftSetSndFont(4,0) TftPrintSndString("Hello Positron World",1,0,14,1,RED,WHITE,1) TftSetSndFont(0,0) TftPrintSndString("(0;0)",1,1,1,1,WHITE,RED,0) TftLineHNG(2,170,2,GREEN,RED) TftPrintSndChar("X",1,175,2,0,BLACK,RED,0) TftLineVNG(2,2,170,GREEN,BLUE) TftPrintSndChar("Y",1,2,175,0,BLACK,RED,0) SPI1STAT = 0x0000 : SPI2STAT = 0x0000 '|Lower SPI baud rate SPI1CON1 = 0x0323 : SPI2CON1 = 0x0323 '|for TFT screen read SPI1BUF = 0 : SPI2BUF = 0 '|Clear buffer SPI1STAT = 0x8000 : SPI2STAT = 0x8000 '|and SD Card write TftBmpScreenshotSd("Screen1.BMP", 0,0, 320,240) SPI1STAT = 0x0000 : SPI2STAT = 0x0000 '|Restore SPI baud rate SPI1CON1 = 0x033B : SPI2CON1 = 0x033B '|to default values i.e. SPI1BUF = 0 : SPI2BUF = 0 '|Clear buffer SPI1STAT = 0x8000 : SPI2STAT = 0x8000 '|maximum read speed |
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