FAT16 / FAT32 System

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Fat.inc provides support for FAT16 and FAT32 formatted SD cards, and it is compatible with both 8-bit and 16-bit PIC microcontrollers. 

This library includes a variety of user-oriented procedures designed to simplify the interaction with SD cards that are formatted using the FAT file system.

- TftBmpFromSD() 

- TftBmpScreenshotSd()

- File_Init()

- File_CreateDir()

- File_DeleteDir()

- File_RenameDir()

- File_Exists()

- File_DirExists()

- File_Create()

- File_Open()

- File_OpenAt()

- File_Append()

- File_ReadByte()

- File_WriteByte()

- File_Flush()

- File_DeleteFile()

- File_Close()

- File_Rename()

- File_DiskFull()

- File_Size()

- File_SizeOpen()

- File_TimeModified()

- File_TimeCreated()

- File_EOF()

- File_ListReset()

- File_ListDir()

- File_ListFile()

- File_ChDir()

- File_ChDirUp()

- File_FreeSpaceKB()

- File_DiskSizeKB()

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