TftBmpScreenshotSd1(sFileName As String * 12, wX_Pos As Word, wY_Pos As Word, wWidth As Word, wHeight As Word), Byte
sFileName: The name of the BMP file to create on the SD card, including the extension. Must be 12 characters or fewer, including the dot and file extension.
wX_Pos: The x-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the screenshot area.
wY_Pos: The y-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the screenshot area.
wWidth: The width of the screenshot area.
wHeight: The height of the screenshot area.
Return Status:
• 0: No error
• 1: No response from SD card
• 2: SD card not formatted with FAT16 or FAT32
• 3: File not found
• 4: File is in use
• 5: Read/write error
Capture a screenshot using bi-directional SDA Pin and save it as a BMP file on the SD card.
This procedure captures a screenshot from the designated area of the TFT screen, specified by (wX_Pos, wY_Pos, wWidth, wHeight), and saves it as a new BMP file on the SD card. The screenshot can be cropped by adjusting the parameters.
TftBmpScreenshotSd1("PIC001.BMP", 0,0, 320,240)
Note: For TFT screens using SPI transfer lines, not all have separate MISO (Master In Slave Out) and MOSI (Master Out Slave In) lines. Some screens use a single bi-directional SDA (Serial Data) line for both input and output. In such cases, you must use the dedicated bi-directional SDA line functions provided in the library to read data from the screen.
Clear SetCrystal() SetPins() TftBmpMemSet() TftSetUp(0) TftBmpFromSD("dog.bmp",0,0) TftSetSndFont(4,0) TftPrintSndString("Hello Positron World",1,0,14,1,RED,WHITE,1) TftSetSndFont(0,0) TftPrintSndString("(0;0)",1,1,1,1,WHITE,RED,0) TftLineHNG(2,170,2,GREEN,RED) TftPrintSndChar("X",1,175,2,0,BLACK,RED,0) TftLineVNG(2,2,170,GREEN,BLUE) TftPrintSndChar("Y",1,2,175,0,BLACK,RED,0) SPI1STAT = 0x0000 : SPI2STAT = 0x0000 '|Lower SPI baud rate SPI1CON1 = 0x0323 : SPI2CON1 = 0x0323 '|for TFT screen read SPI1BUF = 0 : SPI2BUF = 0 '|Clear buffer SPI1STAT = 0x8000 : SPI2STAT = 0x8000 '|and SD Card write TftBmpScreenshotSd("Screen1.BMP", 0,0, 320,240) SPI1STAT = 0x0000 : SPI2STAT = 0x0000 '|Restore SPI baud rate SPI1CON1 = 0x033B : SPI2CON1 = 0x033B '|to default values i.e. SPI1BUF = 0 : SPI2BUF = 0 '|Clear buffer SPI1STAT = 0x8000 : SPI2STAT = 0x8000 '|maximum read speed |
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