TftQuadN(wX_0 As Word, wY_0 As Word, wX_1 As Word, wY_1 As Word, wX_2 As Word, wY_2 As Word, wX_3 As Word, wY_3 As Word, pSolid As Bit, wColor As Word)
wX_0: X-coordinate of Corner 0
wY_0: Y-coordinate of Corner 0
wX_1: X-coordinate of Corner 1
wY_1: Y-coordinate of Corner 1
wX_2: X-coordinate of Corner 2
wY_2: Y-coordinate of Corner 2
wX_3: X-coordinate of Corner 3
wY_3: Y-coordinate of Corner 3
pSolid: Fill type:
• 0: No fill
• 1: Solid fill
wColor: Fill or outline color in 16-bit 565 RGB format
Draws a quadrangle (4-sided polygon) defined by four vertices.
If pSolid is set to 1, the quadrangle will be filled with the specified color. If set to 0, only the outline will be drawn.
Note: The order in which the vertices are entered is important because the quadrangle is formed by connecting the vertices sequentially.
TftSetUp(0) TftResetScreen(BLACK) TftQuadN(100,50,170,200,200,60,130,20,0,GREEN) |
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