
Parent Previous Next contains procedures for drawing various shapes on a TFT screen. The coordinates of all shapes are mathematically derived, with some shapes requiring more complex calculations than others, leading to slower drawing times compared to simpler shapes. Most of the shapes are supported by multiple functions, each offering different properties for customization.

You can create a variety of visual effects by looping the same shape-drawing procedure while adjusting one or more of its parameters. includes the following user-friendly procedures:

- Arc

- TftArc()

- TftArcG()

- TftArcS()

- TftArcRL()

- TftArcRLThickness()

- Circle

- TftCircleNE()

- TftCircleNS()

- TftCircleN()

- TftCircleQE()

- TftCircleQS()

- TftCircleQ()

- TftCircleG()

- Ellipse

- TftEllipseE()

- TftEllipseS()

- TftEllipse()

- TftEllipseG()

- Polygon

- TftPolygon()

- Triangle

- TftTriangleNE()

- TftTriangleNS()

- TftTriangle()

- Quad

- TftParallelogramNTS()

- TftQuadN()

- TftQuadS()

- Rectangle

- TftRectangle()

- TftRectangleENTC()

- TftRectangleETTCO()

- TftRectangleETTCI()

- TftRectangleSNTC()

- TftRectangleENCP()

- TftRectangleETCPO()

- TftRectangleETCPI()

- TftRectangleSNCP()

- TftRectangleRC()

- TftRectangleTCG()

- TftRectangleRCG()

- Line

- TftLine()

- TftLineHN()

- TftLineHTU()

- TftLineHTD()

- TftLineVN()

- TftLineVTL()

- TftLineVTR()

- TftLineDN()

- TftLineDNF()

- TftLineDT()

- TftLineHNG()

- TftLineVNG()

- TftLineDNG()

- System (Shapes)

- TftArcTan2()

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