
Library Description ›› Shapes ›› Arc ››
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TftArc(wX_Start As Word, wY_Start As Word, wX_Stop As Word, wY_Stop As Word, wRadius As Word, pCurve As Bit, wColor As Word, bWidth As Byte, sbDirection As SByte, bFillFactor As Byte)

wX_Start: X-coordinate of the starting point of the arc

wY_Start: Y-coordinate of the starting point of the arc

wX_Stop: X-coordinate of the ending point of the arc

wY_Stop: Y-coordinate of the ending point of the arc

wRadius: Radius of the arc (must be greater than the distance between the start and stop points)

 pCurve: Direction of the arc:

• 0 = Concave

• 1 = Convex

wColor: Arc color in 16-bit 565 RGB format

bWidth: Arc thickness in pixels (default is 1 if not specified)

sbDirection: Direction in which additional pixels are added relative to the center point:

• 1 = Outward

• -1 = Inward

• Else = Ignored (no additional width)

bFillFactor: Factor to fill missing pixels due to floating-point rounding when drawing thicker arcs:

• 0 = 200% additional pixels

• 1 = 100% additional pixels

• 2, 3... = fractional additional pixels (e.g., 1/2 = 50%, 1/3 = 33%)

• 100 = no additional pixels

Draws an arc with a specified start and stop point, radius, and curvature direction. 

The arc can have additional thickness and be filled with extra pixels for smoother rendering.






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