TftLineDT(wX_Start As Word, wY_Start As Word, wX_Stop As Word, wY_Stop As Word, wColor As Word, bWidth As Byte, sbDirection As SByte)
wX_Start: Starting X coordinate
wY_Start: Starting Y coordinate
wX_Stop: Ending X coordinate
wY_Stop: Ending Y coordinate
wColor: Line color in 16-bit RGB565 format
bWidth: Additional line width in pixels (0 = 1-pixel wide)
sbDirection: Direction for additional width in relation to line:
-1 = Expand left
1 = Expand right
Any other value = No additional width
Draws a diagonal line from (wX_Start, wY_Start) to (wX_Stop, wY_Stop) with color wColor.
The line width is adjustable with bWidth. If bWidth is greater than 0, the line is thickened by expanding pixels left or right of the main line according to sbDirection.
TftLineDT(10,5, 120,50, GREEN, 2, -1)
TftSetUp(0) TftResetScreen(BLACK) TftLineHN(10,90,5,GREEN) TftLineHTU(100,190,5,GREEN,3) TftLineHTD(200,290,5,GREEN,3) TftLine(10,10,120,70,RED,3,-1) TftLine(30,10,140,70,RED,3,-1) TftLineVN(150,10,70,BLUE) TftLineVTL(160,10,70,BLUE,3) TftLineVTR(170,10,70,BLUE,3) TftLineDN(180,10,220,70,YELLOW) TftLineDNF(190,10,230,70,PINK) TftLineDT(250,10,300,70,LIGHTGREY,3,-1) TftLineDT(260,10,310,70,DARKGREY,3,1) TftLineHNG(10,120,90,VIOLET,WHITE) TftLineVNG(130,90,200,CYAN,RED) TftLineDNG(140,90,270,200,BLUE,ORANGE) |
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