TftPrintBdfChar(bChar As Byte, swX_Pos As SWord, swY_Pos As SWord, wForeColor As Word, wBackColor As Word, pTransparent As Bit)
bChar: The character to print.
swX_Pos: The absolute X position of the character's lower-left corner.
swY_Pos: The absolute Y position of the character's lower-left corner.
wForeColor: The 16-bit RGB565 color for the character (used for active pixels in the glyph).
wBackColor: The 16-bit RGB565 color for the background (used for empty pixels in the glyph box).
pTransparent: Whether to use transparency:
• 1: Yes (only active pixels are printed, preserving the background).
• 0: No (inactive pixels are filled with the background color).
Print character using BDF font.
TftPrintBdfChar("G", 10, 10, WHITE, BLACK, 0)
Note: When transparency is used, the background color (wBackColor) is ignored, and only the active pixels of the glyph are printed. However, this approach is slower than using the background color.
Include "TftLib\Fonts\SND\" '.... TftSetUp(0) TftSetBdfFont(5) TftResetScreen(BLUE) TftPrintBdfChar("G", 10, 10, WHITE, BLACK, 0) TftPrintBdfChar("G", 40, 40, WHITE, BLACK, 1) |
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