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TftReadPixelSda(wX_Pixel As Word, wY_Pixel As Word), Word

wX_Pixel = X coordinate

wY_Pixel = Y coordinate

Return = 16b color in 565 RGB format 

Reads a pixel using bi-directional SDA Pin at position (wX_Pixel, wY_Pixel) from the TFT screen's graphic RAM and returns its color.

Note: Reading pixels from the TFT screen requires a significantly slower baud rate compared to writing pixels. If hardware SPI is used, you may need to adjust the SPI clock rate dynamically. For software SPI, bit-banging is employed, and it has been successfully tested at 150 MHz Fosc  where the effective SPI clock rate is still valid. 



Note: For TFT screens using SPI transfer lines, not all have separate MISO (Master In Slave Out) and MOSI (Master Out Slave In) lines. Some screens use a single bi-directional SDA (Serial Data) line for both input and output. In such cases, you must use the dedicated bi-directional SDA line functions provided in the library to read data from the screen.

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